■Store Manager Nichara, currently 60 years old, was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the end of 2021 when she was 58 years old. At that time, her PSA level was 47, and the biopsy results showed 11 out of 12 cores with a Gleason score of 5+4=9. Bone scintigraphy also revealed metastasis to the lumbar spine, and she was diagnosed with T1cN0M1b. She began hormone therapy with Bicalutamide and Zoladex. Later on, she decided to stop hormone therapy after 6 months and is currently under surveillance using only lycopene carrot.

I will now tell you about my approach to dealing with prostate cancer.

The trigger was when I, Nichara, the store manager, was making smoothies as part of my daily routine, including ingredients like komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach), spinach, dried shiitake mushrooms, black garlic, and carrots.

One day, the regular muddy carrots I always bought were sold out, and instead, there were carrots of a variety called lycopene carrots. I reluctantly bought them and added them to my smoothie as usual. After spending about three days swimming and walking for physical conditioning, I suddenly realized something.

What did I realize?

I had been applying four hot packs every morning, visiting an acupuncture clinic once a week, and enduring the pain in my lower back caused by bone metastases. But to my surprise, the pain had disappeared.

The side effects of hormone therapy were severe for me: hot flashes, heavy-headedness, numbness in my hands, shortness of breath, coughing, and a sudden decrease in muscle strength, among others. I was filled with damage.

That's when I encountered lycopene carrots. My doctor told me that I had to continue hormone therapy for the rest of my life, but I found it unbearable. So, when it was decided that I could undergo radiation therapy for the primary lesion and the metastatic site in my lumbar spine, I decided to stop hormone therapy without consulting my doctor.

The reason I was able to make this decision was that lycopene carrot powder was available. Even in seasons when fresh lycopene carrots were not available, I could consume them anytime, anywhere. It has been one year and eight months since I stopped hormone therapy. My recent PSA level is 2.23. My male hormones have also returned, and I feel much better in many ways.

Please check out the blog where Store Manager Nichara documents his battle with cancer, titled "Kyuten Jukki: Prostate Cancer, Never Give Up!" [https://ameblo.jp/nichara106/entry-12744855539.html].
Last updated on May 8, 2024.





店長ニッチャラの闘病を綴ってるアメブロ 「九転十起~前立腺がんに負けてたまるか!~」https://ameblo.jp/nichara106/entry-12744855539.htmlをぜひ読んでみてください。